eCert Halal solution is co-founded by our company with a group of halal industry players who understand well the frustrations and pain points in the industry. Our company was the halal domain expert in developing this solution. Our partner company, Cert Tech Pte Ltd, is the first in Singapore to provide a customized halal audit digital solution for Singapore’s halal industry.

The benefits of using the eCert Halal platform are

Replaces the current ‘manual-based Halal File’ to a ‘Digital Halal File’. Eliminates the time/efforts to print/photocopy halal certification documents and file them in a manual-based ‘Halal File’ – productivity boost in managing halal certification documents
• Leads to faster halal application approval using features that allows ‘Halal Traceability In Seconds’ during halal audits and when replying auditor’s shortcomings reports. Uploaded documents can be searched by document name, code numbers used by user company, reference numbers on packaging labels on products/ingredients, brand name, supplier name, expiry dates and finally, by using the versatile ‘tags’ feature to track one document or groups of documents.
• Get users always to be ‘halal audit ready’ by ensuring that the ‘Digital Halal File Documents’ are constantly updated for audit with our ‘expired documents alert’ feature
• ‘Go Paperless’ and ‘Go Green’ by using our ‘Digital Halal File’
• ‘On the Go’ with ‘halal management’ made possible now with eCert Halal system access via laptop, tablet or mobile phones
• Create ‘One Place’ to manage all ‘Halal Certification Documents’ in the eCert Halal platform. No more halal certification documents kept by several staff, making documents updating and compiling tasks a haphazard affair year and year, especially during the halal renewal process. 
This digital solution (eCert Halal) makes the halal certification management processes more efficient, easier and faster For renewal applications, this solution leads to getting your new halal certificate faster.
We are the first in Singapore to provide a customized halal audit digital solution for Singapore’s halal industry.